Monday, January 13, 2014


"But I just can't help manage
To make it through the day without thinking of you lately"

(Arctic Monkeys – Fireside)

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Omul cu sobolani live

"Vezi, nu poţi 
Nici nu incerci să-mi arăţi 
Nu poţi, nici nu vorbesc pentru toţi 
Nici nu vorbesc pentru toţi, nu pot. 

Am, am incredere-n tine 
Că ai să poţi să-mi arăţi, ce vrei 
Ce vrei şi ce poţi, 
Arată-mi ce vrei, arată-mi ce poţi, 
Doar tu în lumină să ieşi dintre toţi, 
Dintre toţi,să ieşi dintre toţi...
Nu arunca nicio vorbă în vînt 
Trăieşte intens fiecare cuvînt 
Nimic nu contează, 
Experimentează, încearcă orice 
Dar trebuie să ştii cînd să te opreşti 
Şi mai ales de ce 
Şi mai ales de ce..."
 (Omul cu sobolani, In lumina)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Summer Well Festival 2013

"I guess I would leave
This world alone
Cause without you I'm just bones"

(Michael Kiwanuka, Bones

Laura-Mary Carter from Blood Red Shoes

Pop Up Cinema - David Bowie - 5 Years: The Making of an Icon

(Ollie Walter and William Walter from The Family Rain)

Spector performing in the background :)

Suede had left the stage and everyone thought the concert was over..."BUT BUT...They haven't played Saturday Night. It can't be over"...and then they came back and all I heard through the evening, on the way back, was a strange mix of Vaccine's "Lack of Understanding","Wrecking Bar" and "Today she's been working, she's been talking, she's been smoking"....

"Today she's been working, she's been talking, she's been smoking,
but it'll be alright,
Cos tonight we'll go dancing, we'll go laughing, we'll get car sick,
and it'll be okay like everyone says, it'll be alright and ever so nice,
We're going out tonight, out and about tonight.

Oh, whatever makes her happy on a Saturday night,
Oh whatever makes her happy, whatever makes it alright.

Today she's been sat there, sat there in a black chair, office furniture,
but it'll be alright,
Cos tonight we'll go drinking we'll do silly things,
and never let the winter in,
And it'll be okay like everyone says, it'll be alright and ever so nice,
We're going out tonight, out and about tonight.

Oh, whatever makes her happy on a Saturday night,
Oh, whatever makes her happy, whatever makes it alright.

we'll go to peepshows and freak shows,
we'll go to discos, casinos,
we'll go where people go and let go

oh whatever makes her happy on a saturday night..."
(Suede, Saturday Night)